O que têm em comum uma química, uma especialista em seguros e um jovem curioso pela programação? São os novos talentos tech da TechOf
No início de 2024, Patrícia Tavanez, Sofia Carvalho e Sandro Velhinho passaram a ser os novos trainees do Centro de Formação e Especialização Tecnológica e tinham um objetivo comum: o de mudar as suas vidas profissionais para duas das áreas mais atrativas no mercado de trabalho das TIC – Data Analyst e Full Stack Developer. […]
Can Micro-Credentials Close the Tech Skills Gap in Baby Steps?
Micro-credentials are the latest trend in upskilling and training. This new, innovative pedagogical approach aims to provide value to millions around the world looking to quickly and effectively equip themselves with the skills needed to jumpstart, or restart, their careers.
See the Future: Assessing People’s Tech Plans
Wawiwa’s assessment provides the local tech training centers with a proven tool that reduces dropout rates and accompanying revenue losses. The test presents the candidate with questions that check a variety of attributes and skills deemed critical to success for specific tech professions.
Localized Learning: Why ‘Same For All’ Doesn’t Work in Tech Training
Most online tech classes offer a general, commoditized curriculum that appeals to the common denominator of the commercial audience but isn’t suited to the real ‘on the ground’ employment needs of local ecosystems.
Go Hybrid: Benefit From The Best of Online Learning and Frontal Instruction
There’s never been a riper time to rethink the way we go about the business of learning. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic hit.
Training Cybersecurity Professionals to Close the Tech Skills Gap
Everyone’s talking about the global skills gap — the lack of skilled professionals to fill tech jobs. Covid-19 and the shift to remote and online business have widened that gap even further.
One for All, All for One: Increasing Inclusivity within Tech Teams
The emergence of new technology requires more skilled and job-ready tech professionals from a wide variety of countries, backgrounds, and identities.
Why Do Students Drop Out of Tech Studies?
Too many students for academic technology degrees drop out. Why is this happening? What can be done about it?
So Who’s Reskilling to Tech in 2020?
Many people are considering now to enroll in tech training programs that lead to lucrative, high-demand tech jobs. Here are 6 common profiles of tech training candidates.
From Finance to FinTech: How Traditional Industries Have Shifted to Tech
Technology has transformed and disrupted every single industry! Connectivity, innovation, and automation are affecting traditional, non-tech markets, such as education, finance, and agriculture. And it’s not stopping anytime soon. Do you have the tech skills needed?