Tiago Jesus, ex-aluno do curso de Data Analyst: “A TechOf é o início de muitas carreiras de sucesso”
Há 10 anos a trabalhar no Wall Street English enquanto supervisor na linha de apoio ao cliente, Tiago Jesus sentiu a necessidade de adquirir novas competências profissionais para desempenhar a sua função e encontrou no curso de Data Analyst da TechOf a resposta ideal para este desafio. Apesar de já desempenhar tarefas relacionadas com a […]
Em apenas seis meses, os nossos trainees de Marketing Digital tornaram-se especialistas. Here is how we did it
Em março de 2023 recebemos a primeira turma pós-laboral do programa Digital Marketing Specialist. Durante seis meses, os nossos alunos transitaram de trainees a specialists e os alunos Bernardo Luz e o Tiago Bensusan comprovam isso mesmo. No decorrer do programa, desenhado por especialistas do setor, os alunos adquiriram conhecimentos indispensáveis a um profissional de […]
O que têm em comum uma química, uma especialista em seguros e um jovem curioso pela programação? São os novos talentos tech da TechOf
No início de 2024, Patrícia Tavanez, Sofia Carvalho e Sandro Velhinho passaram a ser os novos trainees do Centro de Formação e Especialização Tecnológica e tinham um objetivo comum: o de mudar as suas vidas profissionais para duas das áreas mais atrativas no mercado de trabalho das TIC – Data Analyst e Full Stack Developer. […]
Can Micro-Credentials Close the Tech Skills Gap in Baby Steps?
Micro-credentials are the latest trend in upskilling and training. This new, innovative pedagogical approach aims to provide value to millions around the world looking to quickly and effectively equip themselves with the skills needed to jumpstart, or restart, their careers.
See the Future: Assessing People’s Tech Plans
Wawiwa’s assessment provides the local tech training centers with a proven tool that reduces dropout rates and accompanying revenue losses. The test presents the candidate with questions that check a variety of attributes and skills deemed critical to success for specific tech professions.
To Get Certified or Not to Get Certified, That’s the Question
Do IT certifications still hold any value in the tech job market?In the fast moving world of technology, what was once considered solid gold, can turn into an artifact holding no value within a few short years.
Why Reskilling to Tech Should Be Your New Year’s Resolution for 2021
It’s a new year and a new opportunity to think about what we want to accomplish in the next year. 2020 has been tough and had a significant impact, sometimes not a positive one, on many people’s lives. Many people lost their jobs and others, who have been put on long unpaid vacation by their […]
Why Do Students Drop Out of Tech Studies?
Too many students for academic technology degrees drop out. Why is this happening? What can be done about it?